
Figure Name hysterologia
Source Silva Rhetoricae (http://humanities.byu.edu/rhetoric/Silva.htm); Bede 614 Sherry (1550) 31 ("hysterologia," "prepostera loquutio"); JG Smith (1665) ("hysterologia"); Bullinger (1898) ("hysterologia; or, the first, last")
Earliest Source None
Synonyms prepostera loquutio, hysteron proteron, the first, last
Etymology from Gk. histeros, "later" and logia, "speech"
Type Scheme
Linguistic Domain Semantic

1. A form of hyperbaton or parenthesis in which one interposes a phrase between a preposition and its object. (Silva Rhetoricae)

2. A preposterous speech; or a placing of that before which should succeed, and contrarily, &c.; Hysterologia, dictio praepostera, a praeposterous or disorderly speech, when that which by order ought to have been spoken first, is brought in last. It is otherwise called Hysteron Proteronpostremum primum, the last first: derived from [hysteros] postremus, the last or hindmost, and [legos] verbum, a word or speech. It is called in the English phrase, The Cart before the Horse. A figure when in a speech that which in course of nature ought to have preceded, is brought in last.(JG Smith)

3. The First of two things put Last; or, the opposite of Hysteron-Proteron... A figure by which that which is put last, ought, according to the usual order, to come first. (Bullinger, 701)


1. The interrupting material in the following sentence is in quotes:
I jumped into "with as much enthusiasm as a teenager has hormones" my speech on abstinence. (Silva Rhetoricae)

2. The ship arrived at the Lavinian shore: it came foul of the Rock.

She nourished and preserved him, she brought him forth into the world.

He is in health and alive. (JG Smith)

3. Gen. 12:1. -Here, the call Abraham is put, by Hysterologia, after the obedience to it (or to a previous call) in chap. 11:31, 32. (Bullinger, 702)

Kind Of
Part Of
Related Figures anastrophe, tmesis, hyperbaton, parenthesis
Notes 'Type of' doesn't seem applicable in this case
Confidence Unconfident
Last Editor Ioanna Malton
Confidence Unconfident
Editorial Notes
Reviewed No