dirimens copulatio

Figure Name dirimens copulatio
Source Silva Rhetoricae (http://humanities.byu.edu/rhetoric/Silva.htm); Peacham 1593
Earliest Source None
Etymology L. “separating combination”
Type Trope
Linguistic Domain Semantic

1. A figure by which one balances one statement with a contrary, qualifying statement (sometimes conveyed by "not only ... but also" clauses). (Silva Rhetoricae)

2. Dirimens copulatio, when we bring forth one sentence with an exception before it, and immediately joyne another after it that seemeth greater: Cicero in his oration in which he gave the Romane people thankes for his returne; You have (saith he) not onely taken away my calamitie, but also seeme to augment my dignitie. (Peacham)


2. “Wherefore you must needes obey, not onely for feare of vengeance, but aslo for conscience sake.” Rom.13. (Peacham)

2. “Behold, I have not laboured for my selfe onely, but for all them that seeke wisedome.” Eccle.24.39. (Peacham)

Kind Of Symmetry
Part Of
Related Figures
Notes "This exornation hath some affinitie with incrementum, for that they both increase the signification by placing the manner first, and the worthier last: but yet they have their difference. Incrementum increaseth by degrees of words, this by sentences: that by wordes of like nature onely, this both by like wordes and by diverse thinges" (Peacham).
Confidence Unconfident
Last Editor Ashley Rose Kelly
Confidence Unconfident
Editorial Notes
Reviewed No