
Figure Name taxis
Source Silva Rhetoricae (; Peacham (1593)
Earliest Source None
Etymology Gr. "arrangement, order"
Type Scheme
Linguistic Domain Syntactic

1. To divide a subject up into its various components or attributes. (Silva Rhetoricae)

2. Taxis is a figure or forme of speech, which distributeth to every subject his most proper & naturall adjunct. (Peacham)


2. The feare of so great a danger and the terror of so likelie a destruction, caused noble men to consult, the minds of wisemen to doubt, the faces of valiant captains to wax pale, the hearts of lusty youth to quake, old men to tremble, and women to weepe. (Peacham)

2. Princes for their dignities, magistrates for their authorieite, rich men for their wealth, captains for their courage, counsellors for their wisdome, & holy men for their profession, are assaulted of the mightie, and envied of the wicked, from whence it commeth that they are often either deprived of thier lives, or spoiled of that they possesse. (Peacham)

2. The power of God among his own people is renowned, his woonders are recorded, his judgements pondered, his promises beleeved, his threatnings feared, his goodnesse praised, and his justice duly regarded. (Peacham)

2. The divine wisedome hath assigned Kings to raigne,
Judges to heare causes & give sentence, Advocates to plead, subjects to obey, the wise to give counsell, and the rich to give almes. (Peacham)

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Related Figures figures of division, figures of order, figures of sentences
Confidence Unconfident
Last Editor Ashley Rose Kelly
Confidence Unconfident
Editorial Notes
Reviewed No