
Figure Name amphidiorthosis
Source Bullinger (1898) ("amphidiorthosis; or, double correction")
Earliest Source
Synonyms double correction
Etymology Gr. amphi "about," "on both sides," and dia "through" and orthoun "to set straight" from orthos "straight"
Type None
Linguistic Domain

1. A setting both Hearer and Speaker right by a Correction which acts both ways... The figure is so called because, like the former Figure, Epanorthosis, it is a recalling or correction of what has been said, yet not merely with reference to the meaning of the speaker, but also as to the feeling of the hearer. So that the correction is on both sides. When this, or rather a similar figure, is used in Argumentation, it is called Prodiorthosis; and in Prodiorthosis it is not so much are calling, so that there may be no shock at all (as in Amphidiorthosis), but a preparing for a shock that does actually come. (Bullinger, 894)


1. 1 Kings 14:14. -"... that day: but what? even now"; as if the prophet meant (being led of the Spirit) to say, first, "that day"; and then to add shock upon shock by going on, "But what am I saying? 'that day?' even now." (Bullinger, 894)

Kind Of
Part Of
Related Figures argumentation, prodiorthosis, epanorthosis
Confidence Unconfident
Last Editor Ioanna Malton
Confidence Unconfident
Editorial Notes
Reviewed No