
Figure Name paromoiosis
Source Silva Rhetoricae (; Bullinger (1898) ("paromoeosis: or, like-sounding inflections")
Earliest Source None
Synonyms paromoeosis, assonance, like-sounding inflection
Etymology from para meaning "beside," and homoisis meaning "likeness"
Type Scheme
Linguistic Domain Phonological

1. Parallelism of sound between the words of adjacent clauses whose lengths are equal or approximate to one another. The combination of isocolon and assonance.


In the following couplet, each line is of equal length (iambic pentameter), and the parallel assonance has been highlighted:
In granite tombs, on walls of silent stone,
With frantic runes, where falls the sharpened bone...

Kind Of Repetition
Part Of
Related Figures isocolon, assonance, Figures of Repetition, Figures of Sound, Figures of Parallelism
Notes Bullinger defines paromoiosis as "the Repetition of Inflections similar in Sound" (Bullinger, 188), and gives the following example from Matthew (11:17): "We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced ("orchee sasthe"); we have mourned unt you, and ye have not lamented ("ekop sasthe")." (Bullinger, 189)
Confidence Very Confident
Last Editor Randy Harris
Confidence Very Confident
Editorial Notes
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