
Figure Name paraenesis
Source Silva Rhetoricae (; Peacham (1593); De Mille (1882) ("admonition")
Earliest Source None
Synonyms admonitio, sapienta, paronesis, admonition
Etymology Gk. parainesis “exhortation, recommendation”
Type Chroma
Linguistic Domain Semantic

1. A warning of impending evil. (Silva Rhetoricae)

2. Paronesis in latine Admonitio, is a forme of speech by which the speaker expresseth an admonition, or warning to his hearers. (Peacham)

3. 3d. Admonition-warning. This implies stronger emotion than usual, with something of anxiety. (De Mille)


2. An example of Cicero: For Gods sake take heed Judges lest through hope of present peace, you bring not in continual warre. By this warning Cicero disswadeth the Senat from making league with Antony. (Peacham)

2. "Beweare of false Prophets which come unto you in sheepes cloathing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves, you shall know them by their frutes." Mat.7.15. (Peacham)

2. “My sonne if sinners do entice thee, consent thou not, if they say come with us and we will laie wayt for blood, & c.” Prov.1.10. (Peacham)

3. "You are standing on the brink of a precipice," say Lord Brougham to the House of Lords in his defence of Queen Caroline; "beware! It will go forth your judgment, if sentence shall go against the queen. But it will be the only judgment you ever pronounced which, instead of reaching its object, will return, and bound back upon those who gave it." (De Mille)

Kind Of
Part Of
Related Figures ominatio, figures of exclamation
Notes 'Type of' not applicable.
Confidence Unconfident
Last Editor Samantha Price
Confidence Unconfident
Editorial Notes
Reviewed No