
Figure Name paralogism
Source OED (; JG Smith (1665) ("paralogismus")
Earliest Source Boethius (?)
Etymology < Middle French, French paralogisme (1380) < post-classical Latin paralogismus false argument or reasoning (5th-6th cent. in Boethius) < ancient Greek {pi}{alpha}{rho}{alpha}{lambda}{omicron}{gamma}{iota}{sigma}{mu}{goacu}{fsigma} < {pi}{alpha}{rho}{alpha}{lambda}{omicron}{gamma}{giacu}{zeta}{epsilon}{sigma}{theta}{alpha}{iota} PARALOGIZE v. + -{iota}{sigma}{mu}{goacu}{fsigma} -ISM suffix. (OED)
Type Chroma
Linguistic Domain Semantic

1. A piece of false or erroneous reasoning, esp. one which the reasoner is unconscious of or believes to be logical (as distinct from a sophism, which is intended to deceive); an illogical argument, a fallacy. (OED)

2. False or erroneous reasoning; illogicality. (OED)

3. False reasoning or a sophistical conclusion.; PARALOGISMVS, falsa ratiocinatio, false reasoning or debating of a matter, or a decietful conclusion; derived from [paralogizomai] subdolâ supputatione fallo, vel falsâ argumentatione utens decipio, to deceive by supposition full of deceits and wiles; or to defraud by false reasoning. A Paralogism is a sophistical or deceitful conclusion: it is a manner of argument, which seems true when it is not. (JG Smith)


3. * All sin is evill.
* Every Christian doth sin:
* Therefore every Christian is evill.
(JG Smith)

Kind Of Opposition
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Notes This figure does NOT appear in the Silva Rhetoricae. - Nike Unsure of Type Of; Chose "Opposition" based on JG Smith's def. - Nike
Confidence Unconfident
Last Editor Nike Abbott
Confidence Unconfident
Editorial Notes
Reviewed No