
Figure Name hendiadys
Source Peacham (1577) H4r; Putt. (1589) 188 ("endiadis," "figure of twinnes"); Day 1599 83 ; Silva Rhetoricae (http://humanities.byu.edu/rhetoric/Silva.htm); JG Smith (1665) ("hendiadys"); Macbeth (1876) ("hendiadys," "splitting into two"); Holmes (1806) ("hendiadis," "hendiadys"); Bullinger (1898) ("hendiadys; or, two for one")
Earliest Source None
Synonyms hendyadis, endiadis, endiaduz, figure of twinnes, two for one, splitting into two, hendiadis
Etymology from Gk. hen, "one" dia, "through" dis, "two" ("one by means of two")
Type Chroma
Linguistic Domain

1. Expressing a single idea by two nouns instead of a noun and its qualifier. A method of amplification that adds force. (Silva Rhetoricae)

2. Hendiadys, a dividing of one thing into two: a figure when one thing is expressed by more words.; Hendiadys, or, [hediaduo] unius in duo solutio, a dividing of one thing into two: derived from [edo] corrodo, to bite or gnaw in sunder, quasi [hen dia duoin] unum per duo, one thing by two. Hendiadys is a figure whereby one thing is divided into two, or when one thing is expressed by more words. (JG Smith)

3. Hendiadys, Splitting into Two, consists in the separating of what is really but one thing into two things, as when Virgil describes persons at a banquet as drinking" from goblets and from gold"-that is, from golden goblets; or as when Horace, book i., ode viii., speaks of Achilles hurried" into slaughter and the Trojan bands," instead of .. hurried to the slaughter of the Trojan bands." This figure is in English very rare. (Macbeth)

4. Hendiadis, for adjectives, doth chose Their proper substantives themselves to use. (Holmes)

5. Two words used, but one thing meant... Two words employed, but only one thing, or idea, intended. One of the two words expresses the thing, and the other (of synonymous, or even different, signification, not a second thing or idea) intensifies it by being changed (if a noun) into an adjective of the superlative degree, which is, by this means, made especially emphatic. (Bullinger, 660-661)


1. He came despite the rain and weather
Instead of "He came despite the rainy weather" (Silva Rhetoricae)

1. The distinction and presence of the dignitary moved his audience.
By separating the term “distinctive presence” into “distinction and presence,” the speaker accentuates the adjective by transforming it into a noun. Were the separation not made, the modifier would be combined with its object and lose some of its potency. (Silva Rhetoricae)

2. In the Region and shadow of death, (i.e.) in the shadie region of death. (JG Smith)

3. Milton, familiar with all felicities and dexterities of the classics, gives us examples, as in vi-, 355, when he tells us that" the might of Gabriel fought." (Macbeth)

4. He drinks out of gold and cups, for golden cups. (Holmes)

5. Gen. 3:16. -"Multiplying I will multiply (i.e., "I will greatly multiply," ...) thy sorrow and thy conception": i.e., thy sorrow, yes-and thy conceiving sorrow too: [for] "in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children." (Bullinger, 663)

Kind Of
Part Of anthimeria
Related Figures anthimeria, polysyndeton, paradiastole, Figures of Division
Notes Regarding my choice of 'Part of' (from Silva): Hendiadys can be considered a specific application of anthimeria, the more general term indicating the substitution of one part of speech for another.
Confidence Unconfident
Last Editor Ioanna Malton
Confidence Unconfident
Editorial Notes
Reviewed No