
Figure Name anthimeria
Source Silva Rhetoricae (; Macbeth (1876); De Mille (1882) ("antimeria," "enallage")
Earliest Source None
Synonyms antimereia, antemeria, antimria, enallage
Etymology None
Type Scheme
Linguistic Domain Lexicographic

1. Substitution of one part of speech for another (such as a noun used as a verb).

2. So we are informed by the rhetors that Antemeria, is the use of one part of speech for another. (Macbeth)

Antimeria means the substitution of one part of speech for another. It is also called enallage.
1. The use of an adjective for an adverb:
"Loud roared the blast."
"A braying ass
Did sing most loud and clear." -COWPER.
2. The use of a noun as a verb:
"To outherod Herod." "A hectoring fellow."
"Whether the charmer sinner it, or saint it,
If folly grow romantic, I must paint it." -POPE (De Mille)


1. "I've been Republicaned all I care to be this election year" (noun used as verb).

"Did you see the way those blockers defenced on that last play?" (noun used as verb).

"Feel bad? Strike up some music and have a good sing" (verb used as noun).

Kind Of Similarity
Part Of
Related Figures figures of substitution, paronomasia, enallage, nominalize, adjectivize, verbalize, figures of syntax, antiptosis,
Confidence Unconfident
Last Editor Samantha Price
Confidence Unconfident
Editorial Notes I've added the terms nominalize, adjectivize, and verbalize from linguistics as these are subtypes of anthimeria.
Reviewed No