
Figure Name paregmenon
Source Silva Rhetoricae (; Peacham (1577) K2r ; JG Smith (1665) ("paregmenon"); Macbeth (1876); Holmes (1806) ("paregmenon"); De Mille (1882); Bullinger (1898) ("paregmenon; or, derivation")
Earliest Source None
Synonyms derivation
Etymology Gk. paragein, "to lead aside, change"
Type Scheme
Linguistic Domain Lexicographic

1. A general term for the repetition of a word or its cognates in a short sentence. Often, but not always, polyptoton. (Silva Rhetoricae)

2. Paregmenon is a figure which of the word going before deriveth the word following. (Peacham)

3. A derivative, or derived from: a figure when words, whereof one is derived of another, are joyned together.; PAREGMENON, derivatum, deductum; a derivative, or derived from: this word is a particle of the preterpefect tense passive of the verb [parago] deduco, derivo, to derive or take from. A figure when words, whereof one is derived of another, are conjoyned. (JG Smith)

4. Paregmenon is the use, close together, of several words of similar origin, as by Cicero:
"He who disapproves the good, approves the wicked." (Macbeth)

5. Paregmenon deriv'd from one recites More words, and in one sentence them unites. (Holmes)

6. Paregmenon, which is the use of several words of the same origin:
"Judge righteous judgment." (De Mille)

7. The Repetition of Words derived form the same Root... In this figure the repeated words are derived from the same root. Hence, the name Paregmenon is used of the Figure when the words are similar in origin and sound, but not similar in sense. (Bullinger, 321-322)


1. It will destroy the wisdom of the wise. (Silva Rhetoricae)

2. I will destroy the wisedome of the wise. (Esay qtd. in Peacham)

2. They have stumbled at the stumbling stone. (Rom.9 qtd. in Peacham)

2. The first man was of the earth earthy, the second man was the Lord from Heaven heavenly. (1.Cor.15.45. qtd. in Peacham)

3. Marvel not at that which is so little marvellous.

A discreet discretion.

Sometimes there is a double Paregmenon in one sentence; as,

He wished rather to die a present death, then to live in the misery of life.

The humble soul is established by humility. (JG Smith)

5. I write friendly of friendship to a Friend. (Holmes)

6. "Drops the light drip of the suspended oar." -BYRON. (De Mille)

7. Ps. 68:28 (29). -"Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen O God that which thou hast wrought for us." (Bullinger, 322)

Kind Of Repetition
Part Of
Related Figures polyptoton, figures of repetition, figures of conjunction, ploce, polytoton
Confidence Unconfident
Last Editor Ioanna Malton
Confidence Unconfident
Editorial Notes
Reviewed No