
Figure Name philophronesis
Source Peacham (1593)
Earliest Source
Synonyms benevolentia, exceptio benigna
Type Chroma
Linguistic Domain

1. Philophronesis in latin Benevolentia and Exceptio benigna, is a forme of speech by which the speaker perceiving the might of his adversary to be too reat and too strong against him, useth gentle speech, faire promises, and humble submission, to mitigate the rygor and crueltie of his adversary. (Peacham)


1. We have a notable example hereof in Jacob: who fearing the malice and might of his brother Esau, used this meanes to appease his reage and crueltie. He commeth before his family, as soone as he saw Esau, he shewed a signe of dutiful submission he bowed himselfe seven times most humbly before he came neare to him, calling him his Lord, and himselfe his servant, his family al children came likewise in seemly and suppliant order, and humbled themselves at his presence, yeelding obeisance and reverence unto him, by meanes whereof the firery and flaming wrath of Esau was turned into teares of compassion.

The lyke example of submission there is in the third Chapter of Judith, where the Embassadores of the Israelites, do deliver their humble submission of Olophernes, in these words saying: Behold we are the servants of Navucodonozor the great King, we lye downe before thee, use us as shall be good in thy sight, behold our house and all our places, and all our fieldes of wheate, and our flockes, and our heards, and all our lodges and tabernacles lye before thy face: use them as it pleaseth thee. Behold, even our Citties and the inhabitants thereof are thy servants: come and take them as it seemeth good to thee. So the men came to Olophernes and declared them unto him after the same maner. (Peacham)

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Related Figures figures of moderation
Confidence Unconfident
Last Editor Ashley Rose Kelly
Confidence Unconfident
Editorial Notes
Reviewed No