
Figure Name hyphen
Source Holmes (1806) ("hyphen"); Waddy (1889)
Earliest Source
Type Scheme
Linguistic Domain Orthographic

1. Hyphen's a dash which parts of words doth join; Or word to word, another word to coin. (Holmes)

2. Rule I.- The hyphen is used to connect the parts of a compound word; as, "Rose-tree"; "Fellow-student."

Rule II.- The hyphen is placed at the end of a line to show that a part of the last word has been carried over to the next line; as, "Caesar now leaves Gaul, crosses the Rubicon, and enters Italy."* (Waddy)


1. Purple-coloured. (Holmes)

Kind Of
Part Of
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Notes 2.*Note.- In dividing words, syllables should never be broken, but the word should be separated by closing the line with a full syllable and a hyphen, and beginning the next line with the next syllable. (Waddy)
Confidence Unconfident
Last Editor Samantha Price
Confidence Unconfident
Editorial Notes
Reviewed No