
Figure Name peroration
Source De Mille (1882); Waddy (1889)
Earliest Source
Synonyms conclusion
Type Chroma
Linguistic Domain Lexicographic

1. 405. IN ORATORY.
In oratory the conclusion is called the peroration. Its importance here is greater than in any other department of literature.
The following are the leading characteristics:
1st. A brief summing up of the heads of arguments.
2d. The speaker enlarges upon some topic that has already been brought forward; or some general proposition; or the status itself.
3d. An appeal, exhortation, or other expression of emotion.
4th. Description. (De Mille)

2. The Conclusion, or Peroration, like the Introduction, requires special care. The object in the conclusion is to leave as strong an impression as possible upon the minds of the audience. (Waddy)


1. Chatham concludes his speech on the Removal of Troops from Boston in this way:
"To conclude, my lords, if the ministers thus persevere in misadvising and misleading the king, I will not say that they can alienate the affections of his subjects from the crown, but I will affirm that they will make the crown not worth his wearing; I will not say that the king is betrayed, but I will pronounce that the kingdom is undone." (De Mille)

Kind Of Repetition
Part Of
Related Figures symperasma, exordium
Confidence Unconfident
Last Editor Samantha Price
Confidence Unconfident
Editorial Notes
Reviewed No