repeated negation

Figure Name repeated negation
Source Bullinger (1898) ("repeated negation; or, many noes")
Earliest Source None
Synonyms many noes
Etymology None
Type None
Linguistic Domain

1. The Repetition of divers Negatives... It is a special form of Synonymia, the synonyms being negatives of different kinds heaped together for a special purpose. Negatives are repeated even in English to strengthen and increase the emphasis: just as we say "No, no," "No, I will not." But in the Greek this is done much more emphatically. Two or more negatives are used to strengthen are used to strengthen the assertion. (Bullinger, 359)


1. Matt. 22:29. -"Ye do err not ([in Hebrew], mee)knowing the Scriptures." Here the [in Hebrew] (mee) denies subjectively, not absolutely, implying that though they did actually know the letter, they did not wish to know their truth. (Bullinger, 360)

Kind Of Repetition
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Confidence Unconfident
Last Editor Ioanna Malton
Confidence Unconfident
Editorial Notes
Reviewed No