
Figure Name syngnome
Source Peacham (1593)
Earliest Source
Synonyms ignocentia
Type Chroma
Linguistic Domain Semantic

1. Syngnome in latin called Ignocentia, is a form of speech by which the Orator or speaker being a patient of many and great injuries, or of some one great and greevous wrong, pronounceth pardon and forgivenesse to his adversary, who was the worker of all his miserie. (Peacham)


1. An example of our Saviour Christ on the crosse, praying for his enemies, saying: “Father forgive them, for they knowe not what they do.” Luc.3.34. (Peacham)

1. Another of Steven the Martyr at his death, who cryed with a loud voice, saying: “Lord laie not this sinne to their charge.” 2.Cor.2.10. (Peacham)

1. Another of Paul: To whom ye forgive anything, I forgive also. (Peacham)

Kind Of Opposition
Part Of
Related Figures figures of moderation
Notes "The use of this figure doth aptly serve to commend the clemencie, charitie and mercy of the speaker, and also to note the impietie of the malefactor, and that significantly in the forme of remission, for pronouncing of pardon and forgivenesse, is never without a note and signification of injury." (Peacham)
Confidence Unconfident
Last Editor Ashley Rose Kelly
Confidence Unconfident
Editorial Notes
Reviewed No