
Figure Name erotema
Source Silva Rhetoricae; Ad Herennium 4.15.22 ("interrogatio"); Aquil. 11 ("erotema," "interrogatum"); Melanch. IR c7v ("interrogatio" "erotema"); Putt. (1589) 220 ("erotema," "questioner"); Day 1599 87 ("erotema," "interrogatio"); Peacham 1593
Earliest Source None
Synonyms interrogatio, interrogatum, rogatio, the questioner
Etymology Gk. "question"
Type Chroma
Linguistic Domain Semantic

1. The rhetorical question. To affirm or deny a point strongly by asking it as a question.

Generally, as Melanchthon has noted, the rhetorical question includes an emotional dimension, expressing wonder, indignation, sarcasm, etc. (Silva Rhetoricae)

2. Erotema is a forme of speech by which the Orator doth affirme or deny somthing strongly. (Peacham)


1. Just why are you so stupid? (Silva Rhetoricae)

2. An example of Esay: “Are you not children of Adultery and a seed of dissimulation?” Esay.57. (Peacham)

2. “Is not thy wickednesse great, and thine ungratious deedes abominable?” Job.22. (Peacham)

2. “Doth God pervert the thing that is lawfull, or doth the Almighty pervert justice? can a rush be green without moisture, or may the grasse grow without water?” Job.8.3.11. that is to say, it cannot. (Peacham)

Kind Of Opposition
Part Of
Related Figures epiplexis, pysma, anthypophora, irony, figures of refutation, figures of consultation
Notes interrogatio appears to be the Latin name for erotema.
Confidence Unconfident
Last Editor Ashley Rose Kelly
Confidence Unconfident
Editorial Notes added figures, synonyms
Reviewed No