
Figure Name accumulatio
Source Peacham (1577); T3v ("frequentatio"); Silva Rhetoricae (;Ad Herennium ("accumulation") (361-363); Peacham 1593; Vinsauf (1967) ("frequentatio"); De Mille ("accumulation"); Blount (1653) 19
Earliest Source None
Synonyms frequentatio, accumulation
Etymology Latin, accumulatio, “to heap up, to amass”
Type Chroma
Linguistic Domain Semantic

Rhetfig: A climactic repetition and summary of argumentative points.

1. Bringing together various points made throughout a speech and presenting them again in a forceful, climactic way. A blend of summary and climax. (Silva Rhetoricae)

2. Accumulation occurs when the points scattered throughout the whole cause are collected in one place so as to make the speech more impressive or sharp or accusatory (Ad Herennium)

3. Frequentatio, a figure by which matter being dispersed throughout the whole oration are gathered together into one place, whereby the oration is made more pithie and sharpe, or thus: when many arguments being scattered here and there one from another are gathered together, as it were into one bundle, and layed before the eies of the hearer. Thus wehn all is done what vice is he free from, what is the cause Judges why you would deliver him? he is a betrayer of his owne chastity, he lieth in waite to doo mischiefe, he is covetous, intemperate, vicious, proud, wicked to his parentes, unkind to his frendes, troublesome to his kin, stubburne to his betters, disdainfull to his equals, cruell to his inferiours, finally intollerable to all men. (Peacham)

4. Figures of thought: There are other figures to adorn the meaning of the words. All of these I include in the following brief statement: when meaning is adorned, this is the standard procedure. ... ((6) frequentatio) Or single details are brought together, and frequentatio gathers up points that had been scattered through the work. (Vinsauf)

4. There is an aggregation of particulars relating to the subject. This is sometimes considered a separate figure under the name of "accumulation." (De Mille)

6. "which is a heaping up of many terms of praise or accusation, importing but the same matter, without descending into any part, and hath his due season after some argument or proof." (Blount)


1. "He [the defendant] is the betrayer of his own self-respect, and the waylayer of the self-respect of others; covetous, intemperate, irascible, arrogant; disloyal to his parents, ungrateful to his friends, troublesome to his kin; insulting to his betters, disdainful of his equals and mates, cruel to his inferiors; in short, he is intolerable to everyone"
— Ad Herennium, 4.40.52 (Silva Rheoricae)

2. " From what vice, I ask, is this defendant free ? What ground have you for wishing to acquit him of the suit ? He is the betrayer of his own self-respect, and the waylayer of the self-respect of others; covetous, intemperate irascible, arrogant ; disloyal to his parents, ungrateful to his friends, troublesome to his kin ; insulting to his betters, disdainful of his equals and mates, cruel to his inferiors ; in short he is intolerable to every one." (Ad Herennium)

3. Another example, Cicero for Milo: Now truely the fortune of the Romane people seemed to me both hard and cruell, which had seene & suffered these men so many yeares to vaunt against ye commonwelth: they had lo idolatrie & adulterie profaned & polluted the most holy religions, the broke in peeces the most substantiall decrees of the Senate, they raunsomed themselves with bribes before the judges, in the office of the tribuns, they molested the Senate, they cut in sunder the records of all orders made for the safety of the commonwealth.

They expelled me out of my countrey: they tooke away my goods, they fired my house, they tost tormoiled my wife and children, they denounced wicked and unlawfull warre to Pompey, they caused the slaughter both of magistrates and private persons, they burned my brothers house, they spoiled Hotruria, they cast out many from their houses and substance, they urged their purposes most earnestly, and pursued them most greedily, the cittie, Italy, provinces, kingdomes might not mitigate their madenesse, they burned the domesticall lawes, whatsoever any had which liked them this yeare they thought should have been theirs, no man staid their purposes, but Milo himselfe. (Peacham)

4. ((6) Frequentatio) Note what bitter poison he bears: he will be seen as a flatterer face to face, a detractor when out of sight; an apparent friend, a secret enemy; an avaricious owner, a cruel extortioner; an oppresive plunderer, an ingratiating huckster; an illicit buyer, swift to the evil of simony, now so common. (Vinsauf)

5. "This arbitrary and tyrannical power which the Earl of Strafford did exercise with his own person, and to which he did advise his majesty, is inconsistent with the peace, the wealth, and the prosperity of the nation; it is destructive to justice, the mother of peace; to industry, the spring of wealth; to valor, which is the active virtue whereby only the prosperity of a nation can be produced, confirmed, enlarged." - JOHN PYM. (De Mille)

6. "let us give some example to amplifie a Sedition; tumults, mutinies, uproars, desperate conspiracies, wicked confederacies, furious commotions, trayterous rebellions, associations in villany, distractions from allegiance, bloody garboyles, intestine Massacres of Citizens." (Blount)

Kind Of Repetition
Part Of
Related Figures figures of summary, anacephalaeosis, synathroesmus, climax
Confidence Unconfident
Last Editor Zack Mellen
Confidence Unconfident
Editorial Notes Added synonyms and cleaned up related figures list.
Reviewed No