
Figure Name paramythia
Source Silva Rhetoricae (; Peacham (1593)
Earliest Source None
Synonyms consolatio
Etymology None
Type Trope
Linguistic Domain Semantic

1. An expression of consolation and encouragement. (Silva Rhetoricae)

2. Paramythia, in latine Consolatio, is a forme of speech which the Orator useth to take away, or diminish a sorrow conceived in the minde of his hearer. (Peacham)


2. An example of Aeneas in Virgil, and thus translated. (Peacham)

2. O mates (quoth he) that many a wo have big, & borne ere this, (Peacham)

2. Worse have we seene, and these also shall end, when Gods will is. (Peacham)

2. Another of Eliphas the Themanite, who hath in his example left an excellent president for a profitable forme of consolation. First, he observeth oportunitie, staying til time had made a preparation for the salve of consolation, and then he commeth as a most prudent and divine Phisition, and ministreth his medicine of spirituall comfort, in these words saying: Blessed is the man whom God correcteth, therefore refuse not thou the chastening of the almightie, for he maketh the wound and bindeth it up, he smiteth and his hand maketh whole. After this he addeth many branches of Gods mercy, loving kindnesse, and fatherly protection towards his children, and thereupon concludeth that Job ought to apply all these considerations to himselfe, as most precious medicines able to minister consolation and strength to his fainting spirit. (Peacham)

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Related Figures figures of moderation
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Last Editor Ashley Rose Kelly
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