
Figure Name innuendo
Source Bain (1867) 61 ("innuendo"); De Mille (1882)
Earliest Source
Synonyms insinuation
Type Chroma
Linguistic Domain Semantic

1. "When a thing, instead of being plainly stated, is suggested or implied merely, the effect is sometimes much greater…. The omission of the direct statement makes the fact seem so notorious, that it can be assumed and proceeded on without that formality." (Bain)

2. 126. INNUENDO.
Innuendo is the employment of insinuation instead of direct statement. (De Mille)

2. 457. INNUENDO.
Here the meaning is insinuated or implied instead of being directly asserted:
"We do not deny that he enjoyed the peace that passeth understanding, but the fact that he also enjoyed a living of over £1000 a year will not be without its significance in some minds." (De Mille)


1. "When it was said of a member of Parliament that 'he did his party all the harm in his power, he spoke for it and voted against it'--his unskilful oratory is denounced with a peculiar force." (Bain)

Kind Of
Part Of
Related Figures irony, sarcasm
Confidence Unconfident
Last Editor Samantha Price
Confidence Unconfident
Editorial Notes
Reviewed No