
Figure Name epanodos
Source Silva Rhetoricae (http://humanities.byu.edu/rhetoric/Silva.htm); Quintilian 9.3.35; Melanch. IR d2r ("regressio" "epanodos" ); Peacham (1577) S1r (#1); Fraunce (1588) 1.23 ("epanodos," "regression"); Putt. (1589) 229 (#1—"epanodis," "the figure of retire"); Day 1599 92 (#1—"epanodis"); Hoskins (1599)14 ; JG Smith (1665) ("epanados"); Macbeth (1876); Holmes (1806) ("epanados"); De Mille (1882); Blount (1653) 8; Bullinger (1898) ("epanodos; or, inversion"); Norwood (1742) ("epanados"); Vickers (1989) ("epanodos")
Earliest Source None
Synonyms epanadis, epanodis, reditus ad propositum, regressio, the figure of retire, regression, epanados
Etymology from Gk. ep, "upon," ana, "again," and odos, "way"
Type Trope
Linguistic Domain Semantic

1. a) Repeating the main terms of an argument in the course of presenting it. (Silva Rhetoricae)

1. b) Returning to the main theme after a digression. (Silva Rhetoricae)

1. c) Returning to and providing additional detail for items mentioned previously (often using parallelism). (Silva Rhetoricae)

2. Regression, or turning back: a figure when the same sound is repeated in the beginning and the middle, in the middle and end of a sentence. (JG Smith)

3. Epanados, is a figure which iterateth by parts, the whole spoken before, signifying a certaine diversitie in the parts which are divided. (Peacham)

4. Epanodos, or Regression, is the repetition of the same word or words in an inverted order, as thus:
"Woe to them who call evil, good; and good, evil." (Macbeth)

5. By Epanados a sentence shifts its place; Takes first, and last, and also middle space. (Holmes)

6. 181. EPANODOS.
Epanodos is the repetition of a word anywhere within the sentence, either in the same sense or in different senses:
"Will it be next week, or next year?" -PATRICK HENRY. (De Mille)

7. "EPANADOS is when the midst and the end, or the midst and the beginning are the same" (Blount)

8. The Repetition of the same Words in an inverse Order (but the same Sense)... After two, three, or more words have been mentioned, they are repeated, not in the same order again, but backward. (Bullinger, 315)

9. EPANADOS. Epanados, regressio. This Figure employs the same word at the beginning and middle of a sentence, or in the middle
and end of it; as if they were inverted, and the contrary sense turned upon them. (Norwood, 71)

10. Epanodos (or regressio), where the main terms in an argument are repeated in the course of it. (Vickers 494)


1. Puttenham provides this example of epanodos:
Love, hope, and death, do stir in me such strife,
As never man but I led such a life:
For burning love doth wound my heart to death:
And when death comes at call of inward grief,
Cold lingering hope doth feed my fainting breath:
Against my will, and yields my wound relief,
So that I live, and yet my life is such:
As never death could grieve me half so much (Silva Rhetoricae)

3. An example of Poetrie: “Iphitus and Pelius, that time with me fled out, Iphitus opprest with age, and Pelias Ulisses wound made come behind.” Virgill. (Peacham)

3. Another of Terence: “I never sawe a fraie more unequallie made then that, that was betweene us to day, I with bearing the blowes, and he with giving them, till we were both weary.” Teren. (Peacham)

3. An example of the holy scripture: “For we are unto God the sweete favour of Chirsst in them that are saved, and in them which perish, to one the favour of death unto death, to the other, the favour of life unto life.” 2. Cor. 2. 15.16. (Peacham)

5. Whether the worst? the Child accurst, or else the cruel Mother? The Mother worst, the Child accurst; as bad the one as the other. (Holmes)

6. "Thine island loves thee well, thou famous man,
The greatest sailor since the world began;
Now to the roll of muffled drums,
To thee the greatest soldier comes." -TENNYSON. (De Mille)

7. "As, If there were any true pleasure in sleep and ideleness, then no doubt Heathen Philosophers would have placed some pert of the felicity of their heathen Gods in sleep and idleness." (Blount)

8. Gen 10:1-31. -
a 1-.Shem,
b -1-.Ham,
c -1. and Japheth.
c 2-5. The sons of Japheth.
b 6-20. The sons of Ham.
a 21-31. The sons of Shem. (Bullinger, 315-316)

9. Isai. 5. 20. Wo unto them who call good evil, and evil good; who put light for darkness, and darkness for light. (Norwood, 71)

9. Rom. 7. 19. For the good that I would, I do not; but the evil which I would not that I do. How, are the terms here inverted? good is the object of his will, but still it is impracticable; and evil, though contrary
to his will and intention, yet that he puts into practice. (Norwood, 71)

10. Mine eye and heart are at a mortal war
How to divide the conquest of thy sight:
Mine eye my heart thy picture's sight would bar,
My heart mine eye the freedom of that right.
--Shakespeare, "Sonnet 46" (Vickers 494)

Kind Of Repetition
Part Of
Related Figures figures of repetition, figures of summary, digressio, parecbasis
Confidence Unconfident
Last Editor Daniel Etigson
Confidence Unconfident
Editorial Notes
Reviewed No