
Figure Name exuscitatio
Source Silva Rhetoricae (http://humanities.byu.edu/rhetoric/Silva.htm); Peacham (1577) U1r; Day 1599 99; Peacham 1593
Earliest Source None
Etymology Gk. suscitare "to raise, rouse, awaken"
Type Chroma
Linguistic Domain Semantic

1. Stirring others by one's own vehement feeling (sometimes by means of a rhetorical question, and often for the sake of exciting anger). (Silva Rhetoricae)

2. Exuscitatio, is when the speaker being much moved with some vehement affection in himselfe, doth shew it by the utterance of his speech, and thereby moveth the mindes of his hearers, and it is used when persons or matters do require either great praises, or dispraises. (Peacham)


1. Can I stand by and let the government trample on my rights? Is that safe? Is that right? Can any of us afford to allow this wrong to continue? (Silva Rhetoricae)

2. In praises thus: What man is he? be he never so envious, never so malicious, never so ambitious of honour, but must needes commend this man, and acknowledge him to be most vertuous, most learned, most wise, who for the safegard of his country, the defence of his citie, and the riches of the common wealth, did most willingly put and yeeld himselfe to great and cruell dangers, whose learning was proved in defending, whose wisedome was wondered at, in accomplishing so dangerous an enterprise. (Peacham)

2. In dispraising thus: Who is of so carelesse a minde, that seeing these things can hold his peace and let them passe? you put my father to death before he was condemned, and being so put to death, you registred him among condemned men, you thrust me out of mine owne house by violence, you possessed my patrimony, what will you more? came you not to the seate of judgement as you do now, to put to death or at least to condemne Sextus Roscius? (Peacham)

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Notes Unsure if 'type of' is applicable.
Confidence Unconfident
Last Editor Ashley Rose Kelly
Confidence Unconfident
Editorial Notes
Reviewed No