
Figure Name ecphrasis
Source Silva Rhetoricae (
Earliest Source None
Etymology None
Type Trope
Linguistic Domain Semantic

1. Vivid description; using details to place an object, person, or event before the listeners' eyes (=hypotyposis or evidentia). See also enargia.
2. The Greek term for the progymnasmata exercise, description.
3. Ecphrasis has another more restricted definition: the literary description of a work of art. Philostratus Lemnius helped to fix this more restricted sense of this term in the second century in his Imagines.


Kind Of
Part Of
Related Figures Figures of Description: enargia, chronographia (description of a given time or season), topographia (description of a place), ethopoeia, prosopographia, characterismus (description of a person), pragmatographia (description of an action)
Notes think it is trope because it is describing something (meaning).
Confidence Unconfident
Last Editor Jacqueline Mok
Confidence Unconfident
Editorial Notes
Reviewed No