
Figure Name syncope
Source Silva Rhetoricae (; Isidore 1.35.3; Mosellanus ("syncope" "concisio") a3v; Susenbrotus (1540) 20; Sherry (1550) 27 ("syncope," "consicio"); Wilson (1560) 202 ("cutting from the midst"); Peacham (1577) E2v; JG Smith (1665) ("syncope"); Macbeth (1876); Holmes (1806) ("syncope")
Earliest Source None
Synonyms consicio, cutting from the midst, mid-cut
Etymology from Gk. syn and koptein, "to strike off"
Type Scheme
Linguistic Domain Orthographic

1. Cutting letters or syllables from the middle of a word. A kind of metaplasm. (Silva Rhetoricae)

2. a cutting away, or a rendring shorter: a figure of Prosodia, when a letter or syllable is taken away from the midst of a word.; SYNCOPE, a cutting away. Syncope is a figure contrary to Epenthesis, and is when a letter or syllable is taken or cut away from the midst of a word. (JG Smith)

3. Mid-cut, or syncope, is our second figure, the cutting out from the middle one or more letters. (Macbeth)

4. Syncope leaves part of the middle out, Which causeth of't of case and tense to doubt. (Holmes)


1. When "library" is pronounced "libary"

You, that are thus so tender o'er his follies,
Will never do him good, not one of you.
—Shakespeare The Winter's Tale 2.3.128-129 (Silva Rhetoricae)

O'ermaster't as you may. —Shakespeare Hamlet 1.5.140

3. "Wherever in the world am I,
In whatsoe'er estate,
I have a fellowship with hearts
To keep and cultivate;
And a work of lovely love to do
For the Lord on whom I wait." - Anna Letitia Waring (Macbeth)

3. "We ne'er are angels till our passions die." - Thomas Dekker (Macbeth)

4. Ne'er, for never; o'er, for over. (Holmes)

Kind Of Omission
Part Of
Related Figures metaplasm, figures of omission, synaloepha, epenthesis, apocope, figures of etymology, synaeresis, crasis, synizesis
Notes Entered by Ashwini.
Confidence Unconfident
Last Editor Nayoung Hong
Confidence Unconfident
Editorial Notes This is one of many figures which is described as a type of metaplasm. -Nike
Reviewed No