
Figure Name ara
Source Silva Rhetoricae (; Peacham (1593); Melanch. IR c7v ("exclamatio" "areia"); Sherry (1550) 51 ("areia," "execracio," "execracion"); Suarez 71r; De Mille (1882) ("execration," "anathema")
Earliest Source None
Synonyms areia, execracio, execracion, execration, anathema
Etymology Gk. "a prayer for evil, a curse"
Type Trope
Linguistic Domain Semantic

1. Cursing or expressing detest towards a person or thing for the evils they bring, or for inherent evil. Melanchthon refers to this as a sort of exclamatio. (Silva Rhetoricae)

2. Ara called of the Latins Imprecatio, is a forme of speech by which the Orator detesteth, and curseth some person or thing, for the evils which they bring with them, or for the wickednesse which is in them. (Peacham)

3. Execration -anathema:
"Be then His love accursed, since love or hate,
To me alike, it deals eternal woe:
Nay, cursed be thou; since against His thy will
Chose freely what it now so justly rues." (De Mille)


2. An example of Detestation: “O most abhominable impietie, worthie to be buried in the bottome of the earth.” Cicero. (Peacham)

2. An example of Cursing: "Wo to the bloodthirstie Citie which is full of lyes and robberie." Naum.3. (Peacham)

2. Another of David against Doeg: Let the ungodly have dominion over him, and let Sathan stand at his right hand, when sentence is given upon him, let him be condemned, and let his praier be turned into sin, let his daies be few, & c. (Peacham)

Kind Of
Part Of
Related Figures deprecatio, cataplexis, ominatio, paraenesis, exclamatio, figures of exclamation
Confidence Unconfident
Last Editor Samantha Price
Confidence Unconfident
Editorial Notes
Reviewed No